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Show Notes

Ep. 209- Daycare and Milk Storage: Heather’s personal struggles

Today on the Milk Minute we’re sharing all of Heather’s struggles when it comes to storing milk at daycare and life with baby while also running a business. You read that right. The CNM, IBCLC, and founder of a breastfeeding business and podcast still struggles when it comes to lactation and life with a newborn. Both Maureen and Heather know the struggle of balancing work, life, and keeping their little ones fed and happy.

Let’s face it, dropping your baby off with someone else can be tough. We’re here to normalize those feelings of guilt or hopelessness and offer up some tips for making the daycare transition a little bit easier.

So whether you’re a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, grab a cup of coffee (or let’s be real, a glass of wine) and join us as we laugh, cry, and navigate this crazy journey called motherhood together. Because when it comes to breastfeeding, milk storage, and daycare dilemmas, we’ve got your back. Here’s to embracing the chaos and finding beauty in the struggle, one Milk Minute at a time.

Show Notes

Ep. 203 – Is Breast Best? Interview with Victoria Facelli, IBCLC, Author of Feed the Baby

Breast is best. We’ve all heard it, now let’s talk about it. Today the Milk Minute is honored to have Victoria Facelli, author of “Feed the Baby: an inclusive guide to nursing, bottle feeding, and everything in between” on the show to discuss her incredible book. This is the kind of book that Heather and Maureen have dreamed of writing and is the perfect step-by-step guide to feeding your baby, complete with illustrations and videos.

Victoria Facelli is an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, but not the kind that hates formula. She wrote this book to cut through a lot of the misinformation that parents are faced with, as a resource to empower parents to feed their babies in whatever way works for them!

Show Notes

Ep. 188- Encore: World Prematurity Day

Today is World Prematurity Day and we want to give a shout out to all of our amazing premie-parents!

We’re still on a break over here at the Milk Minute, so please enjoy one of our favorite episodes with a new twist. If you want more new content please head over to our spin-off show: Beyond the Boob. We’ll be continuing to churn out postpartum updates over there each week while Heather takes her maternity leave. Please consider supporting us by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or on our Patreon at . By joining our Patreon you get exclusive access to each and every episode of Beyond the Boob plus early, ad-free Milk Minute episodes AND behind the scenes photos and videos.

Show Notes

Ep. 178- Breastfeeding Friendly Bottle Feeding

Are you having trouble with your breastfed baby taking a bottle? Maybe you’re heading back to work and you’re nervous their caregiver won’t be able to feed them. Today on the Milk Minute, Maureen and Heather share what they’ve learned as providers when it comes to bottle feeding and breastfeeding.

They chat about their personal favorite bottles, why they love them and help you find the bottle that’s right for you and your baby. It’s absolutely possible to bottle feed in a way that decreases impact on breastfeeding and your favorite breastfeeding podcast hosts are here to tell you how!

Show Notes

Ep. 136 – How to Introduce a Bottle of Breastmilk

Introducing a bottle can be a daunting task. So many parents struggle with this just when they feel they’ve gotten the hang of directly breastfeeding. The Milk Minute podcast is here to help ease the transition! Maureen and Heather discuss…

Show Notes

Ep. 121 – Preparing to Return to Work

Parental leave is slowly ticking by and your return-to-work date is looming ahead! What now? Today on the Milk Minute Heather and Maureen talk about making plans for a successful transition for both you and baby. Pumping, bottle feeding, and storing milk is a lot to juggle when you’ve only just got the hang of having this new tiny human around. M&H break it down week by week with a manageable “To Do” list just for you!

Show Notes

Ep. 98- Breast Pump Reviews!

Show Notes: If you have ever wondered what in the heck the difference was between every pump out there, this episode is for YOU! Join Heather and Maureen today for these unbiased breast pump reviews so that you can make the best choice of pump for your breastfeeding journey! It seems like there are so many […]

Show Notes

Ep. 46 – Exclusive Pumping

  Show Notes: If you’d like to support our podcast, you can find us on Patreon at Thank you to our sponsor: Aeroflow. Click the link below to order your breast pump and accessories through your insurance! your breastfeeding journey BACK ON TRACK with a Lactation Consult with Heather! Telehealth available and some insurance […]