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Show Notes

Ep. 85- Tooth Care for Your Gummy Baby!

Show Notes: Your gummy little baby needs oral care too! Has anyone ever told you that “breastfeeding causes cavities?” We’re going to answer that question today. As teeth pop through, parents are often left with the questions of when and how to brush and how to care for those new pearly whites…this episode tackles that […]

Show Notes

Ep. 84- Let’s Talk Nipple Shields!

Show Notes: Ahh… nipple shields! Some call them friends, some call them foes. This episode covers it all! Listen in as Maureen and Heather talk through nipple shields, what they are, how and when to properly use them and how to help wean baby off of the shield once they are able to get a […]

Show Notes

Ep. 83- Up-Regulating and Down-Regulating Supply

Show Notes: There are so many recommendations on the internet about how to “fix” your supply issues. How do you know which will work for you? Also… WHY do they work? Power pumping, bra/no bra, pump before feeds, pump between feeds, block feed… ahhhhh! During this episode, Heather and Maureen dive into regulating supply; how […]

Show Notes

Ep. 82- Tongue Ties, Lip Ties, and More: an Interview with Michelle Emanuel, Pediatric OT and creator of the Tummy Time Method

Show Notes: Have you ever wondered if your baby’s gas, colic, latch trouble, or weight gain issues could be due to a tongue or lip tie? If so, then this episode is for you!  This week Maureen and Heather are joined by Michelle Emanuel. Michelle is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist who specializes in optimal oral […]