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our latest episode:

Show Notes

Ep. 141- Breastfeeding a Toddler- Maureen & Lyra Update!

What started out as an update episode on breastfeeding a toddler ends up as some real, raw parenting confessions and vulnerabilities. Raising kids is far from easy, and your hosts at the Milk Minute are no strangers to mom-stress. This week join Maureen and Heather to have some real down and dirty parenting talk.

Show Notes

Ep. 140- The Season of Giving: Heart warming breastmilk donation stories

We are here spreading cheer during this season of giving by sharing some of your heart warming breastmilk donation stories! Take a moment to bask in some lactation positivity. And a reminder that gratefulness is one of the keys to happiness. We know this from research. As you know, we love research and we wanted to share some stories of milk donation with you to help you all connect and feel grateful for each other by reading some of your emails.

Show Notes

Ep. 139- Breastfeeding TWINS- Interview with expert Lindsay Castiglione, BS, IBCLC

Twin parents, tune in! This week the Milk Minute welcomes Lindsay Castiglione from Full Hearts Collaborative. Lindsay is a talented IBCLC and mother of two sets of twins! She joins us today to talk about the unique challenges of feeding multiples with a focus on preparation and education.

Show Notes

Ep. 138 – Iron Supplementation and Breastfeeding

Does your baby need an iron supplement just because they’re breastfed? Parents get conflicting messages about whether or not breastmilk and formula provide enough iron and how the introduction of solid foods impacts that. Today on the Milk Minute Heather and Maureen dig into the current guidelines and research to help you navigate these choices!

Show Notes

Ep. 137- Better Breastfeeding Positioning for Mom & Baby: Interview with Body Mechanics Expert Sarah Mayhan

This week the Milk Minute welcomes Sarah Mayhan of Poised & Powerful Parenthood. Sarah teaches mind-body awareness, movement, alignment, and empowerment through the Alexander Technique. She is a mother, podcast host, and educator who we are so lucky to have on the show! Want to get rid of those pregnancy and breastfeeding aches and pains? Tune in today to learn more!