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Show Notes

Ep. 203 – Is Breast Best? Interview with Victoria Facelli, IBCLC, Author of Feed the Baby

Breast is best. We’ve all heard it, now let’s talk about it. Today the Milk Minute is honored to have Victoria Facelli, author of “Feed the Baby: an inclusive guide to nursing, bottle feeding, and everything in between” on the show to discuss her incredible book. This is the kind of book that Heather and Maureen have dreamed of writing and is the perfect step-by-step guide to feeding your baby, complete with illustrations and videos.

Victoria Facelli is an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, but not the kind that hates formula. She wrote this book to cut through a lot of the misinformation that parents are faced with, as a resource to empower parents to feed their babies in whatever way works for them!

Show Notes

Ep. 185- To Carry Wonder: Interview with Emese Parker

The Milk Minute welcomes author and very special guest, Emese Parker, who wrote a new kind of pregnancy book, To Carry Wonder: A Memoir and Guide to Adventures in Pregnancy and Beyond. It combines stories and art with evidence-based information on all 4 trimesters of pregnancy with a BIG mental health focus (which we love). It also includes her personal memoir of her pregnancy journey, which Heather has thoroughly enjoyed reading during her pregnancy! Emese is a WHNP, MPH, and Perinatal Mental Health Specialist. She literally could not be more qualified to write this gem of a book and we are so lucky to have her. Make sure to check out the links below to get your own copy of her WONDERful book!