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Show Notes

Ep. 183- Latched Mama Interview with Founder and CEO Melissa Wirt

This week on the Milk Minute, Maureen and Heather had the honor of interviewing the founder and CEO of Latched Mama, Melissa Wirt. Melissa is a mother of six, certified lactation counselor, and the inspiring working mom behind Latched Mama, the breastfeeding apparel company and online motherhood community.

Melissa created more than just a clothing company, but a compassionate place that adapts to the needs of their employees with some incredible parental leave and lactation support. Enjoy a real, raw and inspiring chat with Heather and Maureen’s newest friend in the women-owned business community and treat yourself to 15% off a purchase using code MilkMinute15.

Show Notes

Pump Pleasantly with CoBoo Pumping Spray: Interview with Cofounders Jenny and Michelle

Nipple pain, pumping friction, and chaffing. Sound familiar? This week on the Milk Minute, Heather and Maureen sit down with cofounders of CoBoo to discuss their revolutionary pumping spray. Jenny and Michelle are incredible sisters, mothers and businesswomen that have changed the pumping game. As mothers we go through a lot to provide for our children. Great news! Pain and suffering while pumping is about to become a thing of the past, all thanks to the incredible dream team behind CoBoo.