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our latest episode:

Ep. 99- Breastfeeding and Adding in Solids – How To!

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Show Notes:

Tune in this week as your favorite podcast hosts get into one of the most questioned topics surrounding breastfeeding journeys – when to add in solids! So many factors come into play when considering adding in solids: timing being one of the biggest! It’s something we all go through … listen in as Heather and Maureen chat about what might happen when you start solids and what to do about it! Don’t miss this episode!


  • Get your breastfeeding journey BACK ON TRACK with a Lactation Consult with Heather! Telehealth available and some insurance accepted. Click HERE for the deets. If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, or Cigna PPO – you can fill out a short form to get pre-approval to get your visits with Heather 100% approved! Click HERE to access the form!
  • Click HERE to order your Evivo! Use code MILKMINUTE for 15% off your purchase!

Listener Question: Do you have any tips on how to deal with an overactive let down?

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American Academy of Pediatrics


Instagram post: Cody Cotton

Referenced Milk Minute Podcast Episodes:
Ep. 82- Tongue Ties, Lip Ties, and More: an Interview with Michelle Emanuel, Pediatric OT and creator of the Tummy Time Method

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