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Ep. 48 – Part 2/2: The murky underworld of probiotics and breastfeeding, colic, gas, and diaper rash, with guests Dr. Tracy Schafizadeh & Dr. Bethany Henrick, scientists with Evolve Biosystems, makers of Evivo

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Show Notes:

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Table of Contents
0:00 One solution worth a try
0:45 Welcome back: part 2/2 with Evolve Biosystems scientists
1:10 Thank you to our sponsor Aeroflow
1:52 Babies with many issues: what can parents do?
3:35 How to talk to your pediatrician about microbiome
4:22 Seeing systematic relief with Evivo
4:40 Best to use b infantis early
5:00 Evaluating different products
6:10 Research from Evolve is legit
7:25 How did Evivo get its b infantis strain?
8:10 Probiotics: important details to know
13:22 Probiotic sources, handling, storage
14:25 How Evivo is handled and used
16:35 First 6 months of development is critical
17:20 May have to look beyond clinicians and pediatricians
19:25 Let’s talk about diaper rash (you may be surprised!)
22:55 Let’s talk about poop: Is this normal?!
29:00 Parents may be freaking out: what can you do?
32:15 Can adults recolonize self with b infantis?
34:40 Evivo, how use?
38:45 No need for prescription (but talk to doctor)
39:30 Barriers to spreading word about this research?
40:25 Educating people on b infantis, weeding through the junk
41:40 Evivo side effects?
42:20 High quality control is important
42:50 Common experience when start Evivo: a big poop!
43:45 Maureen’s poopocalypse experience! They happen
44:30 Let’s wrap up: 3 things to help baby’s guts
46:10 Thank yous, where to find Evivo: they have so much info!
47:09 Thank you to our sponsor Liquid IV
47:54 Heather and Maureen, final thoughts, what now?
52:40 Thank you for joining us!

Evolve Biosystems

Credits and contact
Thanks to Cherie Louise Turner for editing and production and to Lindsay Brett Carothers for her musical stylings of our intro and outro.
Additional music credits, thank you Wataboi and beetpro from Pixabay.
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