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our latest episode:

Ep. 30 – Top 8 Early Breastfeeding Mistakes – We’re here to help! You got this!

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Show Notes:

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Table of Contents
0:43 Welcome! Addressing early breastfeeding difficulties
0:56 We know the mistakes; we can help!
1:20 Thank you to our sponsor Happi Tummi
3:00 #1: feeding on a schedule . . . nope!
5:08 Your baby can’t feed too often
5:30 Every baby has unique feeding habits
6:10 Look for feeding cues
7:25 #2: don’t supplement too soon
9:45 Avoid the top off cycle
9:55 The top off cycle defined
13:15 Baby on and off? Try chest compressions
14:40 Baby and reflex integration (it’s cool, but annoying)
16:10 #3: address nipple pain!
21:25 #4: high postpartum expectations? Ditch ‘em!
22:55 The 4th trimester (it’s a thing)
24:10 Boycott housework (we’re not kidding)
24:22 Milk Minute paper plates?!?!
26:20 Thank you to our sponsor Aeroflow
28:20 #5: forcing baby to feed immediately after birth (no!)
28:35 Baby’s wild birth journey: let’s consider it
29:15 Mom’s post-birth reality (it’s beautiful, but lots going on!)
30:25 What happens right after birth (it’s so cool!)
33:12 Avoid shoving baby’s head and your boob together
35:10 #6: cluster feeding: it’s going to happen
36:03 Have confidence, cluster feeding is normal
37:20 #7 don’t assume it’s your fault
37:40 Beliefs impact abilities (remember, you got this!)
39:00 Partners: confirming your awesomeness! (it matters!)
39:55 Your milk volume does not equal your value
40:15 Celebrate your wins!
40:55 #8 let’s talk pacifiers
47:05 Baby’s like access to hands
48:23 Wrapping up, getting weird (we leave you with laughter!)
49:15 Thank you for listening!

Thanks to Cherie Louise Turner for editing and production and to Lindsay Brett Carothers for her musical stylings of our intro and outro.
Additional music credits, thank you Wataboi and Mazzaccaro from Pixabay.
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