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our latest episode:

Ep. 208 – Melatonin and Breastfeeding

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Show Notes:

Today on the Milk Minute we explore melatonin and breastfeeding.  Melatonin is fascinating and supplementation with this sleep hormone has been a random focus of Maureen’s. We’d like to dig deep into what it is and how it works in the body before we talk about its safety with breastfeeding. Buckle up.

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THANKS TO OUR NEW PATRONS, Kate Pena and Samantha Roberts!


  • Highland Birth – Book a Lactation Consult today! Booking a virtual consult with Maureen is now easier than ever. Click HERE to get started!
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Listener question: If I had high lipase with my first baby, will I have it again?

Mentioned in this episode
Ep. 31- Vitamin D: How to supplement and Why we need to
West Virginia State Legislature: West Virginia Legislature
Kayla Young, TikTok: Kayla Young’s Creator Profile

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