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our latest episode:

Ep. 95 – Fat Bodies Can Breastfeed: a radical self-love episode

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Show Notes:

Have you ever experienced bias due to your body size?

Maybe it looked like a doctor commenting on your weight when you went in to the urgent care for a cough. Maybe it looked like your OB recommending an induction due to your BMI. Maybe it looked like a store not carrying your size or charging more if they do. Maybe it was when you were in school or even in your own home.

Bias against fat bodies, or fat phobia, is so deeply entrenched in our culture that it’s hard to count all the microaggressions fat people experience every day. How can we separate out this from our health status? The ability of our bodies to function and feed our babies? Join Heather and Maureen on a journey of self love and radical acceptance this week as they break down provider bias, fat phobia, healthcare disparities, ableism, BMI bull***t, and more!

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Get your breastfeeding journey BACK ON TRACK with a Lactation Consult with Heather! Telehealth available and some insurance accepted. Click the link below for the deets.
Click here to Work with Heather

Listener Question: Do you have tips on how to dry up fast?

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All of the resources cited in this episode are available on our professional transcript.

Previous episodes of The Milk Minute Podcast mentioned in this episode:
Milk Minute Ep. 62- Alcohol and Lactation: A Reassuring Look at the Numbers
Milk Minute Ep. 72- Black Breastfeeding Equity and Opportunity for Change: an interview with Dr. DeVane-Johnson
Milk Minute Ep. 76- Weaning History, Psychology and Practical Tips

Fat Positive people to look into for more information and a deeper dive into what it means to be fat:
Melissa Gibson – Home | YoursTruelyMelly
Da’Shaun L Harrison – About – Da’Shaun L. Harrison
Jana Schmieding, Woman of Size podcast – Woman of Size on Apple Podcasts

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Click page 2 below for the professional transcript!


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