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Ep. 101- Breastfeeding as a Pro-Athlete: Interview with Sonya Looney

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Show Notes:

Getting back to exercise after pregnancy and while breastfeeding can feel very daunting. This week, Heather and Maureen welcome special guest, Sonya Looney. Sonya is a world champion professional athlete, a health and performance coach and the host of the Sonya Looney Show podcast.

Pregnancy and postpartum is a time when everything about the body is changing. It’s important and empowering to know that you can safely introduce exercise, strengthen your body and improve your overall physical function – even when breastfeeding!

Don’t miss this one!

Find our guest, Sonya Looney in her Facebook Group, Plant Powered Academy with Sonya Looney, on Instagram or on her website,


  • Click HERE to get HappiTummi and enter code MILKMINUTE10 for 10% off your order!
  • Get your breastfeeding journey BACK ON TRACK with a Lactation Consult with Heather! Telehealth available and some insurance accepted. Click HERE for the deets. If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, or Cigna PPO – you can fill out a short form to get pre-approval to get your visits with Heather 100% approved! Click HERE to access the form!

Listener Question: Breastfeeding parent with 13-month-old child is nursing to sleep, but it’s become painful recently. What’s going on?

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Books Recommended by Sonya:

“Exercising Through Your Pregnancy” – James F. Clapp, MD

“Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby” – Tracy Hogg with Melinda Blau

“Expecting Better” – Emily Oster

“cribsheet” – Emily Oster

“The Everything Vegan Pregnancy Book: All you need to know for a healthy pregnancy that fits your lifestyle” By Reed Mangels

“Becoming Vegan” by Brenda Davis

“Nourish” by Brenda Davis & Reshma Shah

“The Plant-Based Baby & Toddler” by Alexandra Caspero & Whitney English

Click page 2 below for the professional transcript!


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