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our latest episode:

Who Are We?

Heather ONeal


I fully believe that all parents should have the right to breastfeed however they want. It’s our job to make sure they have the tools to do that. Oh, and the volume of your milk does NOT equal your value as a person. Remember that!

Maureen Farrell


I can get behind any project that empowers parents to be their true authentic selves while raising tiny humans. This parenting shit ain’t easy. Also, the key to most things in life is communication and lubrication. Remember that!

Completed Episodes
Percent of podcasts led by female 
& non-binary hosts
Questions Answered

Our Passion Project

For Breastfeeding parents

The Milk Minute Podcast is a weekly production where we, Heather ONeal, CNM, IBCLC and Maureen Farrell, CLC, DEM, bring you practical breastfeeding tips in a fun and dynamic podcast.

Through our work in our communities in West Virginia, (where the breastfeeding rate is well below the national average) we have seen a real need for easy-access lactation support. Its our goal to make lactation information accessible and easy to listen to. We firmly believe that breastfeeding is a human right, and that everyone who chooses to lactate should get the help they need. We know that its hard for some folks to find lactation professionals in their community, and that some people simply don’t have the means to access those resources. So here we are, just two boobs who love to talk about human milk, asking for your support so that more people can breastfeed successfully!

This production is a child of Breastfeeding for Busy Moms, where we offer support through a Facebook group as well as in private consultations.

Visit Breastfeeding for Busy Moms

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